Thursday, December 18, 2008

Breath the air of Christmas!

Ahh, finally Christmas season is on the go.
Presents!!! Squeals*
I have been waiting all along for Christmas to prevail. :D
and it finally did!
Yahoo. Here's the season to be jolly fa-laa-laa-la-lah

Well, I know I am saying this a bit to early but early is always better than late...
"Merry Christmas! And may all of you out there have a joyful and memorable Christmas"
If you aren't a Christian don't fuss about celebrating Christmas. Christmas is for everyone so just join in the fun :D
Santa might grant you some presents too! hehe.
Personal Christmas message to:
Aunt Esther
You are definitely sitting right on top of my list! I cannot thank you enough of teaching me the spirit of Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas wherever you are right now and may you have a great Christmas. ;)
4 best buddies (you-know-who-you-are)
Long time no see. Probably you all might have even forgotten who I am but I don't blame you, enjoy your holidays as much as you can before the havoc school life begins... and Merry Christmas! *presents please???
Loor and family
Have a Merry Christmas and may god bless you! :D
Well, you might not receive this message before Christmas due to your hectic schedule but as your pet sis, I have to wish you Merry Christmas! May all your dreams come true. Btw, Monochrone Factor is nice!!!
Hello! I have already wish you once but I felt it is a must to leave another message to you: Merry Christmas.
amanda a.k.a mojo jojo
Ahh, I am writing this VERY important message to you seek some solace from you. Please do not destroy this wonderful Christmas with some of your ingenious and vicious scheme of yours. I have already warned the Power puff girls to be vigilant about you! :p haha. Anyway, have an enjoyable Christmas.
Bad guys deserve some Christmas too, don't they?
Boys. May you get one to celebrate with you this Christmas :p
Send my regards to your papa and mama. (make sure they read this!)
Out of my modest self, I have to apologize to a friend of mine whom I promise to return a book but totally forgotten till the last minute. Call me a scatterbrain!
Oh dear, I guess I need to add something to my Christmas wish list: be more responsible!!! Btw, call some of your friends and celebrate Christmas. Don't miss out the fun, it is only once a year!
Everyone out there
No, if your name is not on the list please do not be upset or woebegone. It is not that I have forgotten about you it is just that I am being my indolent self again.
Anyway, there will be no end to this list as I have got plenty of people to wish.
So everyone out there, Merry Christmas and DO NOT forget my present!!! :p

Friday, December 12, 2008

True colour.

Lately, I have read a book about various yet striking personalities.
Well, I did the personality test. It is believed in this world people can be divided into 4 types of personalities.
Try figuring out your own personality!

Firstly is the Popular Sanguine

The Popular Sanguine types are lively, sunny, outgoing personalities, who always attract the people around them with their fun-loving temperament. They are humorous, fascinating and outspoken and they can turn even a trivial story into a hilarious event. The Popular Sanguines are always seeking the attention and approval of those around them. They can add fun and drama into every situation, easily initiate conversations and have the enviable ability to become best friends with everyone in a group. They see the excitement in every situation and can animatedly tell a storey about that. The Popular Sanguines are very warm and natural people and always tend to make a physical contact with the people around them. They always hug, kiss, touch or pat their friends.Usually the Popular Sanguine is called “the talker”.

Outgoing, Storyteller, Animated, Good sense of humour, Cheerful and bubbly ,Turns disaster into fun, Enthusiastic, Charming and inspirational, Loves people Makes friends easily, Spontaneous

Forgetful, Disorganized, Interrupts, Exaggerating, Talks to anyone, Undisciplined, Overspends, Restless, Loud mouth, Gives to everyone, Always late

conclusion: I don't think I belong to this group but the results says the opposite...

Powerful Choleric

The Powerful Choleric is an outgoing, outspoken and dynamic person who always aiming and goal orientated. While the Popular Sanguine is the talker, the Powerful Choleric is the achiever. The Powerful Choleric communicates very easily with people and is very confident that everything will turn all right if he/she is in charge. Goal orientated and with strong leadership qualities, the Powerful Choleric usually succeeds in whatever they choose. Opposition only strengthens their determination. The Powerful Cholerics regarding of their gender and age have the natural inclination of getting their own way than getting along with others.The Cholerics seek appreciation and loyalty from others. They strive for being challenged, easily accept difficult situations and expect approval for their achievements.Their ambition and determination can turn them into workaholics, make them opinionated and stubborn, and leave them insensitive to other’s feelings.Usually the Powerful Choleric is called “the doer”.

Adventurous, Born leader, Persuasive, Strong-willed, Competitive, Confident, Outspoken, Bold, Resourceful, Motivates family to action, Organises household, Goal-orientated

Unsympathetic, Unemotional, Bossy, Impatient, Argumentative, Domineering, Short tempered, Nervy, Tactless

Conclusion: This is definitely NOT me. Well at least the results say so this time

Perfect Melancholy

The Perfect Melancholy is an opposite of the fun-loving Popular Sanguine. The Perfect Melancholy is serious, thoughtful, deep and perfectionist. The Perfect Melancholy is called “the thinker”.Their precision for the details and the logic may discourage and depress them when they see the obvious faults of their partner. Because of that they need sympathy and compassion in order to express themselves. They need their own space and time to think before they speak or act.The Perfect Melancholy is careful, organised and task-orientated. They flourish on order and logic and because of that they are very reliable to complete a promised job on time. Their perfectionism is towards themselves as well and this can make them pessimistic and self-critical, measuring to their high standards.Usually the Perfect Melancholy is called “the thinker”.

Analytical, Persistent, Planner, Scheduled, Thoughtful, Idealistic, Serious and purposeful, Talented and creative, Sensitive to others,elf-sacrificing Conscientious, Keeps home in order, Neat and tidy

Hard to please, Withdrawn, Negative, Introvert, Too sensitive, Moody, Sceptical, Loner, Critical, Will not talk, Unforgiving, Depressed, Not spontaneous

Conclusion: According to the book, most geniuses are in this group. Are you one of them?

Peaceful Phlegmatic
The Phlegmatics are easy going and diplomatic types. They dislike risk, surprise or a challenge and need time to adapt to the new situation. Although they avoid stressful situations they cope and work well under pressure. Because they naturally try to avoid difficulties, their lack of discipline and motivation makes them to procrastinate in the absence of the strong leader. There is why they team well with the Powerful Choleric. The Peaceful Phlegmatics are soft-spoken and introvert, but they enjoy being around people. Although they do not need to talk as much as the Popular Sanguine, they have good sense of humour and seem to say the right thing at the right time.The Peaceful Phlegmatics are earthy, steady and stable. They tend for security and create and offer safety for their partners. In conversations they are negotiators instead of fighters.Usually the Peaceful Phlegmatic is called “the observer”

Controlled, Reserved, Patient, Friendly, Diplomatic, Inoffensive, Good listener, Easygoing, Relaxed, Hides emotions, Good parent, Is not upset easily, Agreeable, Good under pressure, Good sense of humour

Unenthusiastic, Indecisive, Uninvolved, Hesitant, Worrier, Timid, Slow, Lazy, Detached, Mumbles, Lost in the crowd, No opinion

Conclusion: The results also say I am one of these people, which I kind of agree.
Peace to the world! :p

Well which group do you think you belong to?
All in all I don't think there are any good or bad personalities here.
Everyone have there ups and downs :D

by, Shu

Thursday, December 11, 2008

tagged again!

This time the tagged is from Amanda a.k.a mojo-jojo

RULE #1 : People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 : Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. Do you have secrets?
Yes, a couple of them.

2. Would you fall in love with a guy older than you by 3 years?
Bleh! Never gave a thought about that. I don't mind being friends though.

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
It depends on my timetable :p
If I happened not to like a subject, then it would be a pain to go to school

4. Do you prefer guys with hot looks or with good character?
Have you heard of the quote 'beauty is deceiving'?

So, I will anytime choose a guy with a good character.

5. Who do you love the most?
me. myself. Call me selfish ;p

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

7. Who is more important? Lover or best friends?
Lovers come and go. Friendships are everlasting!

8. The person you like is already attached, what would you do?
I haven't come across this situation yet, so leave this question till that someday

9. What made you smile today?
:) a smiley face.

10.What makes you pissed off recently ?
Doing this tag!!! just joking :D

11.How would you see yourself in 10 year's time ?
hmmm... the same old me.

12.Who are currently the most important people to you?
Everyone. No one should be left out. ^_^

13.What is the most important thing in life?
Currently, it is to fly

14.Are you single or attached?
Take a guess...

15. What is your favourite colour?
The rainbow! This world is filled with wonderful colours, so why choose a colour?

16. What is your wish ?
To fly. Soar high with the birds and the clouds. Magnificent scenery!

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, what would you do?
Is that even possible???

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
Yup, but it will take time. Don't let the past hold you down, you are missing good stuff :D

19. Which do you prefer? Spending more time with Family members or the close/understandable ones?
I will spend an equal amount of time with them. Fair and square.

20. 5 people you're gonna tag:
Ching Yie
Priyia (go get a blog!!!)

By the way, if you want to do this tag just do it. The more the merrier!

Finally, the end off this tag

till then, bye

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Gar!!! I need to get my hands on that book.
In other words I need that book badly. Very badly!
The book before this, ended abruptly leaving me in suspends.
This is what I call torture. You want it yet you can't get it.
Gosh, this is second in line on my wish list after Artemis Fowl.
Almost every time when I finish a book I will start pestering my mother to purchase the next and if she doesn't want to I will be left like this wondering about the story. Hence, making me suffer.
Conclusion: stop reading books- but I can't!
Yes, I am being pathetic.
Current ranking of Pendragon books (warning: it is from my point of view)
1# The Never War
2# The Merchant of Death
3# Quillian Games
4# The Lost City of Faar
5# The Reality Bug
6# Black Water
7# Rivers of Zaada
Well that is about it.
I have a request though before bidding farewell,
Is there any kind soul out there who is willing to borrow me Pendragon book 8?
Till we meet again.
signing out: Shu

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am back

My dear bloggie, you have my apologies for abandoning you.
I know I have said that a thousand times but my fingers are just too lazy to type.
Indeed, call me a sloth

These past few days I have been glued to a Taiwanese drama - Miss No Good
The name itself tickled my sense of humor, so I gave it a shot.
In the end, I was addicted.
Unable to resist the temptation of the drama, without fail I will swiftly dash to the computer every morning awaiting for an interesting yet knee-wobbling plot to unfold right in front off my very eyes. For those out there who has gone insanely bored during the holidays I would recommend you to give this show a shot. I laughed through out the first three episode I watch.
Guess what, I laughed till I cried~

Yup, that is basically what I do almost everyday during the holidays
It is very unhealthy but then again what more can you do during the holidays?
Well to be honest, I am already tired of blogging although I have only written 3 paragraphs???
Anyway, the next would be a more promising one than this but no guarantees!
I might anytime just give in to my lazy side :p

*Light (you-know-who-you-are) beware of me... I am going to get you if you don't catch up with your blogs :p

the sloth: Shu

Sunday, November 16, 2008

That little something!

He never fails to lose me
Never once, did he fail to get a scrumptious taste of me
Sticking its little mouth into my skin enjoying me fully
Name any place and you will definitely find him
His tiny and swift body always allows him to escape any enemy along his path
Attempting to annoy me all the more, he calls his fellow companions along
Together in a swarm they assault me

My mortal enemy that never fails to irritate me wherever I am
With a SWAT! and a BANG! on the table it teases me for my bad aiming.
Being ridiculed by such a thing, I wish it will banish forever!


For one thing I really need to 'thank' you for is to balance up the earth's biodiversity,
or I would just wish for you to vanish out of my side now!
The utmost thing on my wish list for now is for the mosquito species to disappear for eternity!

From bites to scratching,
shu shall bid an itch farewell for now.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Tagged by Pui Yee!!!

10 people I am tagging
1. Ching Yie
2. Eva
3. Boey
4. Hui Yin
5. Alyssa
6. Christine aka Chris
7. Wai Kee
8. Abigail
9. Sabrina
10. Brenda

-is no.3 a male or female?
uhmm... does he looks like a girl???

-if no.7 and no.10 were together would it be a good thing?
Well, you will never know :p

-how about no.5 and no.8
Fyi, they don't even know each other!!!

-what would no.1 be studying about?
hmm, I wonder~

-is no.4 single
Well, I don't really go sneaking up people's private life... but I will ask her.
Hui Yin, are you single?

-say something about no.6
my sister!!!
anime freak
*too much to say~~~ :D

Friday, November 7, 2008


bf = best friends or bad friends???

Well for today I guess it is bad friends! lol
Could you imagine a day out with friends who keeps on arguing with each other???
Trust me, I do.
They all had just turn my day upside down! ~
All these arguments and tense situations with them, really are driving me up the wall. Honestly, I am tired and exhausted of facing them.
Considering this fact I really am thinking twice about being friends with them.
Well friendships do have arguments once in awhile but then again they really do destroy my mood.

One word to describe me now: PISS

Ahhh... at least I do feel better now.
Special thanks to some of my friends who had just calm me down.


So why bother, right? Forgive and forget.
Anyway, one thing that can make me happy for now is ANIME! ~ so lala, I shall bid goodbye
haha... :p

Till next time when my mood is better,

Sher anne

Friday, October 31, 2008

a statement

Well there was nothing much for me to do after PMR.
So I ended up spending most of my time with books and quizzes.
For the first time in my life I actually spend time on reading books.
I guess I am turning into a bookworm!!! Literally.

I also did quite number of quizzes too.
And I came upon a question which I found it hard to answer:


I was taken aback by that question.
Well I never really spend my time on thinking about my good traits...
Usually I think of other people's good traits but not mine.
The truth then shot me!
I do not really understand myself then.

So readers of my blog,
please do me a favor
move your eyes to right hand side of my blog and do the poll.

Arrivederci then,

by: shu

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hello, I am finally back bloggy
With something to blog *smiles
Below are pictures from Taylor's College/ University
Spot the odd ones...

Picture 1
Observe carefully...

Pei Yinn!!! Spot her!!! Picture 2: This is obvious for me...

Ehehe...Christine! What were you trying to do???
Btw, smile more Bren and Pri...

Another one okay?

Hui Teng... She looks in a rush...

Hehe... This picture below is my masterpiece... enjoy~

Whoa, Bren the devil!!! :p
Look at her devilish smile! Beware people!!
Nice uniform Ching Yie~ smiles
Janne, invite me for Deepavali!!!!
Guess who is the angel ??? ^.^

Best friends forever yea...
Okay, that is all for now bloggy
Till we meet again bloggy

*ahhh... sry Ching Yie... miss you ^^

Friday, October 17, 2008


The golden rays of the sun shone brighty as I walk out of 3 Cengal.
Students were shouting and leaping with joy.
Big bright smiles were seen everywhere.
Finally 5 gruelling days of PMR were over.

I breath the air of freedom as I saw all my teachers waving past me.
It was over...
Just a wink and it is gone!!!

maybe I am missing PMR...
:) sounds cRaZy right?
That's me!

Friday, September 26, 2008


PMR is only 2 weeks away....
and I am too lazy to study
Just too tired and lazy to study

And I ended up blogging...
Haihz... thanks to all the facts I have been studying
my brain now is corrupted.
Maybe I have overloaded my brains with TOO MUCH FACTS!

Believe it or not,
my mother told me that we human beings
only use a tiny portion of our brains
which also means we are not using our brains to the maximum!
hmmm... that is why I can't remember a thing after reading the whole book again and again!
I can't remember a thing!!!!!

Instead of blogging I should be studying...
Okay so better get going now...
Till then!
bye bloggy!

written by
Shu Xian ~stress!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


This blog is specially for Brenda
A girl who loves to emo
but as long there is this

she will definitely smile :D
The next picture will make her smile even wider
haha am I right???
You also better go to Japan and look for Momo :p
MOMO wait for Bren.....

Monday, September 8, 2008


Hello bloggy,
long time no blog...
By the way visit this site

Don't ask me what is it
Just GO.
You will find out in that blog.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

my dreamland

Ah... I love Japan
Look at the amount of shops there...
Hehe... Shopping!!!
Although I don't really go crazy over shopping in Japan but it would be fun :p
Furthermore the things there are of high quality
There is a saying ' quality is better than quantity'
Hehe, I can become a philosopher already

look at all the people.....

Ah... Mount Fuji :D
Look at the breathtaking sight of it
How I wish to stand on top of it
Maybe in my dreams...
Haha, that is why I love to sleep cause I always will dream
ahhh..... how wonderful this life will be if my dreams become reality

Mount Fuji!!!!

Another wonderful view of Japan...
the Cherry blossoms trees
all the flowers look like snow don't they?

Just picture me standing there ^_^

Dreams do come true do they? One day I will put my foot there... Japan wait for me :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have got bad news to all Malaysians
Chong Wei lost to Lin Dan :'(
21-12 and 21-8
Lin Dan has to always win

But no matter what I will still support Chong Wei!!!
Go Chong Wei!!!
Jia You!!!
Win the next Olympics


Friday, August 15, 2008

the air of freedom

Finally trials was over...
A tiring and sleepless week was over... *YAWN

Excuse me for dozing off.... Back to my blog
I have never taken my studies as seriously as this before.
I usually will just study until 12pm and nothing more than that.
But suprisingly for trials, I stayed up until 2 am in the morning just to get all the facts into the small brain of mine.
That explains why I feel so tired now...*YAWN*

But at least the 1st trials was over...
I wonder how many more trials have we to take before PMR
Haihz... Trials are so stressful *YAWN*

Looks like I am going for the 2nd round of sleep....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


A random topic to blog about.
I have just search the net for some interesting names
Top 10 names I like...

a) Shaelyn...
b) Shanon...
c) Sharleen...
d) Sherisse...
e) Sylva...
f) mother's name :)
g) Yvonette...
h) Yvette...
i) Seles...and of course
j) Sher anne

If you wondered why all the names start with either the letter 'S' or 'Y', it is because I like names starting with that either one of the letters. ^_^ and now for the boys~

a) Eric...
b) Alex...
c) Justin...
d) Jerome...
e) Kyo...
f) Leo/ Leon...
g) Yuki...
h) Lewis...
i) Jason...
j) Nathan...

Very common names but I love them all ^_^

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Big apple donuts rocks!!!
I am not promoting the brand and you can choose not to eat it but it will be a waste because it is the nicest donut on earth.
Why put of till tomorrow when you can eat it today???
Currently I am eating one now..............
Still eating..............
Still eating..............
Haven't finish.............
Taking my last bite..............
Not yet be patient.................

Sorry for waiting for me to finish my donut...
I couldn't control myself from eating it.
Yummy!!! I want more :p
Big apple donuts, I need you................
Look at all the yummy donuts

I was eating the pink donut earlier
It has a weird name though "Pink Panther"
But for all I concern is the taste.

Don't you feel hungry now???
Haha, but I am not sharing with you :p
Go buy yourself and share some with me since I introduced you to wonderful donuts...
hehe :D

Monday, July 14, 2008

A sweaty day

I love PJ.
It maybe be a tiring and a sweaty one but it was fun and interesting.
Today we played bola jaring.
We were divided into 2 groups:

1st group- me, Priyia, Bren, Elena, Amanda, Shern and Chris
2nd group- Suet Ying, Audrey, Alyssa, Hui Yin, Tong Tong, Sab and Hui Pin

So the game started.
I played my heart out. It was a fun game, although I played terribly as a goal defence.
I had to stop Suet Ying from getting the ball, trust me it was really hard.
Their team had a plus point, Suet Ying and Audery are experience bola jaring players. So they kept passing to each other. I tried my really best to prevent the ball from passing.

Everyone tried their very best.
I could see everyone determination.
I was really happy to see many people trying their very best to win.

In the end, our team won.
Cheers everyone ^_^
But somehow rather, I feel less contented that our team won.
I felt that the other team was more united and deserved to win more.
Not to say our group was not united, it is just the other team seemed more united

Anyway I enjoyed today.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I have realised something about my blog.
My blog is filled with mostly words and very few pictures.
So I am filling my blog with one of my favorite anime pictures.

La corda d'oro
Purple hair guy: Yunoki.... I don't like this guy!!!
He is sadistic! Yuck!!!! What more his hair!!!
Blond hair guy: Shimizu.... KAWAII!!! Loves to sleep just like me.
Light green hair guy: Hihara.... The best guy in the entire anime!!!
Happy and cheerful. No. 1 rating!!!
Blue hair guy: Tsukimori... Nah... I don't really fancy him but he is a
nice guy. Sorry Tsukimori's fans!
Dark green hair guy: Tsuchuira... Did I spell his name correctly???
A nice guy. Nothing much to say about him.

People, leave some comments... Don't skip this part of my blog because you don't watch anime!!! You can always give opinion about them........ so DO NOT SKIP!!!!


Yes! I am going to talk about something disgusting in my blog today.
This incident I am going to talk about is something that happened last Friday.
Let me start from the beginning......

During recess, I was enjoying my wantan as usual, then came by, my two Kesatrian friends. They were laughing louder than ever. I thought they were having a laughing competition or something so I asked them what was it all about. They refused to tell me and asked me to check it out in the girl's toilet. Being curious I went to the girl's toilet. I started checking every cuticle, looking for any interesting item.

Then I saw it!
Trust me you will never want to see it. *_*
To my disbelief I saw a pile of poo lying right in front of the toilet bowl!!!!
It was not inside the toilet bowl but outside.
What more it was a big pile. I was gross out for a second and started laughing.
My friend laugh too.

"Bad aiming" that was what my friend said.
I couldn't help laughing even more.

Whoever who did that should at least use the tap water and flush it down the toilet bowl!!! I really wonder how are the maids going to clean that up???
I pity the maids....
and thank god I do not need to clean that up.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008



I have a very important announcement to make!
Stop calling me shu...shu
This applies especially to my dad!
Because I have an English name now.

That is my new English name.
Not a very fantastic name, but I like it so it is my new English name
I asked a few friends of mine to give their opinion
This is what they say

Brenda: Okay.... 'Sheranne'
Priyia: ???
Ee-Janne: It is nice but I prefer Shu Xian... *_*
Christine: Yuck! Shu Xian is so much better. So I am still calling you Shu Xian!!!
Sherlin: It is a nice name...

So far I only receive 1 proper approval which is from Sherlin. Cheers Shern! ^_^
From now onwards my name is either Shu Xian or Sheranne!!!!!
I have made myself very clear I guess, so do not blame me if I punch you because you called me some other weird name.

Reminder: Shu Xian or Sheranne!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

FreAky FriDay

Anyone out there who can tell me why is 13th Friday called Freaky Friday???

For all I know, today went fine.
Nothing bad happen.
I didn't see any ghost or spirits or vampire or anything out of the ordinary.
Honestly, I was expecting something bad to happen to me because it is Freaky Friday but I am perfectly fine, sitting on my computer typing this blog.
Best of all my brother didn't try to disturb or irritate me today.

I was very curious about it and asked my mom.
All she told me was, Friday the 13th is the day where evil rules.
That scared me but I believe Jesus is with me, so why have fear in evil?

Matter of fact, today was a wonderful day
My Khb teacher didn't even pick on me. She usually will not be satisfied until she yell at someone. Maybe she was in her good mood which was good for me.

Anyone bother explaining to me what is Freaky Friday???!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

What a day!

School started today *sigh
Just add this equation up and you'll know why I just sigh
Results + more results + a few horrible teachers = I DISLIKE SCHOOL

I use to like school when I was young but now it is a whole different story
Let me tell you what happened in school today
My day started of with a smile and everything when on fine. I when for assembly with my friends and back to class for Moral.
Thank god for an okay result for Moral because I didn't really study for it.

Then Maths. It was terrible during maths period. I saw many people sulking at their paper, knowing that they can do better. Although I manage to get an A but at the sight of my friends sulking face, I felt bad.

Then Geography. I got punish during this period because I didn't bring my question paper. A few of us got punish by our geography teacher. We had to stand behind the class during geography. That is not all. We also weren't allowed to take back our test papers. I guess she is going to minus our marks. Please don't do that!!!!! I have a very strong feeling, our geography teacher was very angry with me... I asked her about some KGT stuff and she was quite piss off with me...
Sorry teacher. :)

Phew... Finally it was recess.
I was happy it was recess because no more test papers for the moment.
When I was just to enjoy my recess then I saw my friend sulking because of her maths. I am not telling you who she is because it is private. Then the horrible feeling struck me again. I hated this feeling. Piece of advice for those who didn't do well in the test 'no matter what happen, you are still my friend and there will always be another chance to do better, so do your best the next time ;)

History papers didn't come back for today which was GOOD!
I didn't want to see another result of mine.

Next up was English.
I never really like English all the while and I may count it as one of my weakest subjects. Luckily only paper 1 came back. So I didn't get my full marks.

Last subject for the day is BM.
This BM paper mad my day worse! I am not going to reveal my result because I did bad enough.

Horrible day... huh?

Thank god there are really nice friends of mine who made my day better.
Thank you Ching Yie for the pencil box. The smile on your face made me feel much better
Thank you Chris for the POT card. I love your card
Thank you Bren. for the super cute starfish braclet. KAWAII!!!
Thank you Priyia for the smile that made my day so much better...
Thank you to everyone who has made this day a better day

Okay that is all for today... ^-^
I have to finish my endless correction. *Sigh*
What a day!

For now Bye.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hell is coming back...

Yup. Hell is coming back!!!
The hectic life of mine is also coming back
Which also means homework + more homework + tution + results + STRESS

Don't the gov. know that 2 weeks of holiday isn't enough for the students??!!
I wish I was in Singapore NOW!!!!
In Singapore the students get a month of holiday for each semester. That is UNFAIR!

I haven't finish my holiday schedule and school is about to begin in another 24 hours time.....
How do the gov. expect us complete:-

a) Geograph and History projects
b) NIE
c) Watching Anime
d) Reading Pendragon
e) Shopping with my mom
f) Stone-painting
g) Watching Taiwanese and HK drama
h) Going on holiday with family
i) Surfing the net and;
j) Getting enough sleep at the same time....

Can the gov. prolong this whole holiday thing????

For now back to work....-.-"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You made my day.....friendz

I am a year older now...... sob.
but it's okay as long I'm with my friends :)
Only a few ppl remembered my birthday though.
Can't blame the rest, cause my birthday is a secret
So keep this secret among ourselves....hehehe
This is the list of ppl who wished me.... a really short list

1. Priyia...
The 1st friend to call me up from my dreamland *yawn. You really made my day :)
Thks for remembering.....but
I didn't really concentrate on the conversation so .....zzzzzzZZZZZZZZ..... *back to dreamland

2. Chris/Christine Lim/sis...
2nd person. Thanks a lot for the smses..... You woke me up from my sleep!!! lol. Thanks for
remembering sis :D

3. Janne...
3rd friend on the list :p LOVE YOU! I thought you might have forgotten my birthday
because you was so busy in school..... but then you remembered.

4. Brenda...
The 4th person to wish me...... I was losing hope, that you would wish me.... really. Then
my phone rang..... YEA!!!! You remembered ;p By the way, you don't really need to get that
bag for me I was just joking. Most importantly is that you remembered my birthday

5. Ching Yie...
The 5th person Ching Yie!!! Thanks for the computer card and e-mail =) Thanks again for
calling and being so concern about my birthday. By the way, you haven't tell what you want
for you birthday........

6. Xian...
Thanks a lot for the sms.... although you send me 2 minutes after my birthday. You are the 6th person... By the way how did you know it is my birthday???? :/

7. Jia Yun...
Hey... long time no talk. Didn't expect you to remember my birthday you remember my birthday but you are a day late!!!! hehe. You are the 7th person=D Tell me when is your birthday....

8. Auntie Susan...

The 8th person on the list but the 1st auntie. Thinking my birthday is on the 6th June, she call me and wish me 'Happy Early Birthday' haha. She is a cute person *_*

9. Auntie Iris and Uncle Edmund

Thanks for the tee-shirt. You both are the 9th on my wishing list....

Once again thank you guys. You made my day wonderful. I'll remember this day. You all rock... Friends forever! And for those who didn't know it's my birthday, it's are still my friend. ^-^

Friday, April 25, 2008


Long time till i updated my blog... sry ppl..... but i really don't no what to say. In the end i thought of blogging about my doggy... haha for no reason... My dog is the emotional type. Look into her eyes~looks innocent does she??? To you may be a yes but a NO for me!!!!!! She poos and urines everywhere :'( I have to clean it in the end. My mom "You wanted the dog, so u clean it." That is the main reason why I come late to school most of the time, then my name gets written into the black book. Lerg Foong do u need to be that strict I am only A FEW minutes late!!!!!

Back to the dog buisness. Her name is Chanelle. About 3 months old only. She loves to bite, she bite everything she sees include books. Rather naughty and loves to annoy my other dog, Banjo and the war begins. Banjo starts barking and Chanelle will be looking very and i mean very innocent. So i usually stand on Chanelle side hehe because she is my dog. Banjo is my brother's muhaha. I know I am a bit the 'pilih kasih' type so sorry Banjo for all the scolding I gave you.

Every morning my mother will give Chanelle milk to drink and she usually would not drink it all so Banjo will be eyeing for the milk. Banjo is very greedy he eats almost anything from rice to chicken meat. Chanelle wouldn't mind....
Wow i never written a blog this long before. I usually will copy and paste haha I know I am lazy... I am already tired so tood loo for now. Kissess for Chanelle

-sHu says: Bye-

Sunday, April 13, 2008

PrInce oF tenNis

seigaku ~the dream teaM....

Captain: TeZuka KuniMitsU

Name: Tezuka Kunimitsu
Year: 3
Height (cm): 179
Blood Type: O
Birthday: October 7th
Constellation: Libra
Hand: Left
Special Skill: Drop Shot
Quotes: 20 laps around the around, now!
Favorite Subject: Worldwide History
Favorite Color: Green/Blue
Hobby: Mountain-climbing, camp, fish

Tezuka is the captain of Seigaku. He's well respected by all the teammates and also by the players in other top tennis schools. Tezuka also made it into the regulars as a freshmen, now he's in his third year and is about to graduate. Tezuka sees great potential in Echizen and taught Echizen the meaning of playing tennis by having a match with Echizen despite his arm injury. Even though Tezuka never smiles, he appears to be extremely popular among the female fans.

Vice Captain: OiShi SyuiChiroH

Name: Oishi Syuichiroh
Year: 3
Height (cm): 175
Blood Type: O
Birthday: April 30th
Hand: Right
Racket:Wimbledon (Tour Merit)
Special Skill: Moon Volley
Quotes: are you fine
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: White
Hobby: Swimming, Aquarium

Oishi is a really kind person who cares about all the other team members twice as much as a regular team member (according to Fuji). Oishi is a Tezuka's close friend and is the vice captain of Seigaku. He plays doubles with Eiji, together, the two of them are known as the undefeated golden pair who went to the nationals.

The Prodigy: FuJi SyuSuKe

Name: Fuji Syusuke
Year: 3
Height (cm): 167
Blood Type: B
Birthday: February 19th
Constellation: Pisces
Hand: Right
Shoes: Nike
Racket: Prince (Michael Chang Titanium)
Special Skill: Swallow return
Quotes: *smiles*
Favorite Subject: Classics
Favorite Color: Beige
Hobby: Photography

Fuji is known as a tennis tensai (genius). He's extremely famous among all the tennis players in the region. Fuji's skill is right behind Tezuka's. He also has a brother who goes to a different tennis school, mainly because he didn't want to be compared to his big brother - Fuji, who's already known as the tensai player at Seigaku. Fuji is always smiling no matter in what situation, this gives him a really friendly appearance, although in fact, Fuji is a deadly strong tennis player that most Junior high players should pray to never meet in the court.

Acrobatic player: KikuMaRu EiJi

Name: Kikumaru Eiji
Year: 3
Height (cm): 171
Blood Type: A
Birthday: November 28th
Hand: Right
Shoes: Wilson (slash DT mid)
Racket: Dunlop
Special Skill: Acrobatic Play
Quotes: Hoi Hoi, Nya
Favorite Subject: Japanese History
Favorite Color: Red
Hobby: Brush Teeth (with his precious toothpaste), tour pet shops.

Eiji is perhaps the most popular character in this anime. He's well known for his acrobatic play, together with Oishi, they are known as Seigaku's golden pair. Eiji has a big teddy bear at home and when it falls, it's always towards left. Eiji was able to use this as a game strategy with Oishi in one game. Eiji has a terrific personality although he loves to tease others as well, this got Oishi, who is a really sensitive person really mad in one occasion and caused the biggest crisis of Seigaku - the breaking up of the golden pair.

Oh Chibi: RyOma EchiZeN

Name: Echizen Ryoma
Year: 1
Height (cm): 151
Blood Type: O
Birthday: December 24th
Hand: Left & Right
Cloth: Fila
Shoes: Fila
Special Skill: Twist Serve, Drive B, Cyclone Smash
Quotes: Mada Mada Dane (Not yet)
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite Color: Silver

Echizen is the featured tennis player in the show. His father is a famous professional tennis player who retired really early but otherwise could have became the number 1 tennis player in the world. Echizen is the only 1st year regular player in Seigaku, since he short compared to the other members, he's been nicknamed O'Chibi (baby boy) by fellow player, Eiji. Additional info worth noting: Echizen grew up in United States and knows English very well (many classmates admires him for this).


Name: Kaidoh Kaoru
Year: 2
Height (cm): 173
Blood Type: B
Birthday: May 11th
Hand: Right
Shoes: Puma
Racket: Head (TiS7)
Special Skill: Boomrang Snake
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: Blue
Hobby: Marathon, gathering bandanas

Kaidoh is nicknamed "the sniper" by his fellow teammates since he is always really serious and is easily irritable. Kaidoh's famous move is the "boomrang snake" which makes the tennis ball go around the pole and back into the court. Kaidoh trains extremely hard, most of the time under Inui's instructions in order to improve his tennis skills. (additional note: he lost to Echizen in the first Seigaku regular selection matches, but he was able to save his regular's position after defeating Inui)

Hair problemssss: MomOshiRo TakeShi

Name: Momoshiro Takeshi
Year: 2
Height (cm): 170
Blood Type: O
Birthday: July 23rd
Hand: Right
Shoes: Puna
Racket: Mizuno
Special Skill: Dunk Smash
Quotes: I prefer to be liked by many (girls)
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Color: Red
Hobby: Music, Games

Momoshiro Takeshi perfers to be called "Momo-Chan" (chan is a suffix used on Japanese names, usually refers to a really close friend or a kid) Momo is the power house of Seigaku, he plays really powerful balls and his "dunk smash" is beyond regular Junior high tennis level. Momo-chan is also the first Seigaku player to meet the star of the show: Echizen Ryoma, afterwards, the two behind good friends.
*** Spoiler alert
Unfortunately, after losing to Tezuka and Inui, Momo was dropped from the regular's team after the second regulars match in the series

Juice *-*: SaDahaRu InuI

Name: Inui Sadaharu
Year: 3
Height (cm): 184
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: June 3rd
Constellation: Gemini
Hand: Right
Shoes: Puma
Racket: Prince
Special Skill: Data Tennis
Quotes: Wanna try some of my juice?
Favorite Subject: Physics
Favorite Color: Black
Hobby: Make vegetable juice

The brain behind Seigaku's team. He takes data for all the games, including personal data for his rivals along with teammates. He's formerly known as Seigaku number 3 (right behind Fuji and Tezuka) - the data tennis man. But due to losing the Seigaku's regular selection matches in the beginning of the series (mostly because of Ryoma's appearance), he played Seigaku's manager for the first 50 or so episodes.

Sushi King: KawaMurA TakeShi

Name: Kawamura Takashi
Year: 3
Height (cm): 180
Blood Type: A
Birthday: November 18th
Constellation: Scorpius
Hand: Right
Shoes: Asics (Gelstroke)
Racket: Dunlop (Rimbreed XL)
Special Skill: Burning Serve
Quotes: Sushi!!!!!
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Color: Aqua
Hobby: Monopoly

Kawamura's special feature is that he's in fact a really timid person who changes drastically when he's playing tennis. Kawamura used to tennis and often plays doubles with Fuji in the games.