Sunday, July 6, 2008


I have realised something about my blog.
My blog is filled with mostly words and very few pictures.
So I am filling my blog with one of my favorite anime pictures.

La corda d'oro
Purple hair guy: Yunoki.... I don't like this guy!!!
He is sadistic! Yuck!!!! What more his hair!!!
Blond hair guy: Shimizu.... KAWAII!!! Loves to sleep just like me.
Light green hair guy: Hihara.... The best guy in the entire anime!!!
Happy and cheerful. No. 1 rating!!!
Blue hair guy: Tsukimori... Nah... I don't really fancy him but he is a
nice guy. Sorry Tsukimori's fans!
Dark green hair guy: Tsuchuira... Did I spell his name correctly???
A nice guy. Nothing much to say about him.

People, leave some comments... Don't skip this part of my blog because you don't watch anime!!! You can always give opinion about them........ so DO NOT SKIP!!!!

1 comment:

Chris Lim said...

go tsukimori!!!!!!

no, i dont like yunoki. yunoki is SOMEWHAT, but NOT FULLY, like fuji, ya hear?

fuji's better xD