Friday, December 12, 2008

True colour.

Lately, I have read a book about various yet striking personalities.
Well, I did the personality test. It is believed in this world people can be divided into 4 types of personalities.
Try figuring out your own personality!

Firstly is the Popular Sanguine

The Popular Sanguine types are lively, sunny, outgoing personalities, who always attract the people around them with their fun-loving temperament. They are humorous, fascinating and outspoken and they can turn even a trivial story into a hilarious event. The Popular Sanguines are always seeking the attention and approval of those around them. They can add fun and drama into every situation, easily initiate conversations and have the enviable ability to become best friends with everyone in a group. They see the excitement in every situation and can animatedly tell a storey about that. The Popular Sanguines are very warm and natural people and always tend to make a physical contact with the people around them. They always hug, kiss, touch or pat their friends.Usually the Popular Sanguine is called “the talker”.

Outgoing, Storyteller, Animated, Good sense of humour, Cheerful and bubbly ,Turns disaster into fun, Enthusiastic, Charming and inspirational, Loves people Makes friends easily, Spontaneous

Forgetful, Disorganized, Interrupts, Exaggerating, Talks to anyone, Undisciplined, Overspends, Restless, Loud mouth, Gives to everyone, Always late

conclusion: I don't think I belong to this group but the results says the opposite...

Powerful Choleric

The Powerful Choleric is an outgoing, outspoken and dynamic person who always aiming and goal orientated. While the Popular Sanguine is the talker, the Powerful Choleric is the achiever. The Powerful Choleric communicates very easily with people and is very confident that everything will turn all right if he/she is in charge. Goal orientated and with strong leadership qualities, the Powerful Choleric usually succeeds in whatever they choose. Opposition only strengthens their determination. The Powerful Cholerics regarding of their gender and age have the natural inclination of getting their own way than getting along with others.The Cholerics seek appreciation and loyalty from others. They strive for being challenged, easily accept difficult situations and expect approval for their achievements.Their ambition and determination can turn them into workaholics, make them opinionated and stubborn, and leave them insensitive to other’s feelings.Usually the Powerful Choleric is called “the doer”.

Adventurous, Born leader, Persuasive, Strong-willed, Competitive, Confident, Outspoken, Bold, Resourceful, Motivates family to action, Organises household, Goal-orientated

Unsympathetic, Unemotional, Bossy, Impatient, Argumentative, Domineering, Short tempered, Nervy, Tactless

Conclusion: This is definitely NOT me. Well at least the results say so this time

Perfect Melancholy

The Perfect Melancholy is an opposite of the fun-loving Popular Sanguine. The Perfect Melancholy is serious, thoughtful, deep and perfectionist. The Perfect Melancholy is called “the thinker”.Their precision for the details and the logic may discourage and depress them when they see the obvious faults of their partner. Because of that they need sympathy and compassion in order to express themselves. They need their own space and time to think before they speak or act.The Perfect Melancholy is careful, organised and task-orientated. They flourish on order and logic and because of that they are very reliable to complete a promised job on time. Their perfectionism is towards themselves as well and this can make them pessimistic and self-critical, measuring to their high standards.Usually the Perfect Melancholy is called “the thinker”.

Analytical, Persistent, Planner, Scheduled, Thoughtful, Idealistic, Serious and purposeful, Talented and creative, Sensitive to others,elf-sacrificing Conscientious, Keeps home in order, Neat and tidy

Hard to please, Withdrawn, Negative, Introvert, Too sensitive, Moody, Sceptical, Loner, Critical, Will not talk, Unforgiving, Depressed, Not spontaneous

Conclusion: According to the book, most geniuses are in this group. Are you one of them?

Peaceful Phlegmatic
The Phlegmatics are easy going and diplomatic types. They dislike risk, surprise or a challenge and need time to adapt to the new situation. Although they avoid stressful situations they cope and work well under pressure. Because they naturally try to avoid difficulties, their lack of discipline and motivation makes them to procrastinate in the absence of the strong leader. There is why they team well with the Powerful Choleric. The Peaceful Phlegmatics are soft-spoken and introvert, but they enjoy being around people. Although they do not need to talk as much as the Popular Sanguine, they have good sense of humour and seem to say the right thing at the right time.The Peaceful Phlegmatics are earthy, steady and stable. They tend for security and create and offer safety for their partners. In conversations they are negotiators instead of fighters.Usually the Peaceful Phlegmatic is called “the observer”

Controlled, Reserved, Patient, Friendly, Diplomatic, Inoffensive, Good listener, Easygoing, Relaxed, Hides emotions, Good parent, Is not upset easily, Agreeable, Good under pressure, Good sense of humour

Unenthusiastic, Indecisive, Uninvolved, Hesitant, Worrier, Timid, Slow, Lazy, Detached, Mumbles, Lost in the crowd, No opinion

Conclusion: The results also say I am one of these people, which I kind of agree.
Peace to the world! :p

Well which group do you think you belong to?
All in all I don't think there are any good or bad personalities here.
Everyone have there ups and downs :D

by, Shu

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