Tuesday, August 5, 2008


A random topic to blog about.
I have just search the net for some interesting names
Top 10 names I like...

a) Shaelyn...
b) Shanon...
c) Sharleen...
d) Sherisse...
e) Sylva...
f) Shirleen...my mother's name :)
g) Yvonette...
h) Yvette...
i) Seles...and of course
j) Sher anne

If you wondered why all the names start with either the letter 'S' or 'Y', it is because I like names starting with that either one of the letters. ^_^ and now for the boys~

a) Eric...
b) Alex...
c) Justin...
d) Jerome...
e) Kyo...
f) Leo/ Leon...
g) Yuki...
h) Lewis...
i) Jason...
j) Nathan...

Very common names but I love them all ^_^

1 comment:

leeeeessa said...

HI SHU XIAN!!!watcha doing??? ahahahahaha. lyssa here. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD A BLOG!!!! ahahaha.i have one too!!! how cool is that? can you BELIEVE the odds? haha.

jkjk. i think i'm a litle high on sugar.. ^^

--lyssa, ur crazy buddeyh