Sunday, February 1, 2009

Puff your way to death!

Have I mention that I really detest people who smokes especially in front of other people?

Gosh, my poor lungs have suffered from those polluted fumes!
I have encountered this situation endless times!
Those smokers are so inconsiderate they kept on smoking without thinking of people surrounding them.

It is not that I am pressing them to stop their compulsive habit but just merely asking them to be more considerate.
If they want to smoke they can just politely excuse themselves from the crowds and do their smoking. When they are done they can always join back in.
This incident had happened many times especially in restaurants or crowded areas.

If this continues on, I won't be surprise in a few years to come I might be suffering from lung complications.


Okay, I am done with my ramblings and complains.
Hopefully, I would not encounter another situation like this!!!


Signing out,

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