Sunday, January 18, 2009

Still standing or Standing still?

That phrase describes my current life perfectly.
A havoc!
I didn't blog for days because I was to busy contemplating about my life.
I have been pretty down and tired with my life these few days.
Running in and out of my house like a mad cow.
Dashing from one place to another.
Sigh* this is Form 4
Doesn't sound very pleasing huh?

"Still standing"
For one thing I know is I am still standing.
I am fighting against time and stress everyday.
Haihz, what a daunting year it is going to be!
But I will and have to get pass it.
For now there is only one thing in that is encouraging me : a quote.

"If there is a will, there is a way. If there is no way, create one"

A bit overtly optimistic huh?
Every morning when I find it hard to get up and can't resist the temptation to succumb back into my dreamland, that particular quote will be repeatedly playing in my mind. Something tells me with that quote I can live through 2009 with full of excitement and anticipation. Hopefully by the end of this year I will be still standing...

"Standing still"
Here is a scenario that you have probably come across a thousand times.
A teacher calls your name and you stood up petrified by fear.
She reads out the question and your mind becomes blank.
Then she stares daggers at you for the solution but you don't know it.
Your palms become sweaty and your visage starts to turn red.
Everyone stares at you waiting for your answer.

Yup, I am way behind my studies.
Sometimes I could not grasp what my teacher is talking about.
Even better news, my exams begins next month!
Almost everyone in my class understands what my teacher is blabbering about except me.
It is as if everyone is going ahead of me and I am standing still.
But like I had said earlier I have to get through this year.
It is up to me whether I am going to face it with a smile or with a frown.
Positively, I choose to do it with a smile :D

In the end I came up with a solution, I am not going to be "still standing" but "standing firm" and not going to be "standing still" but "moving on with life"

I am taking life to another pace and viewing this world with from another perspective and I will do it with a smile.

Still standing or standing still?
-No to both.

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